Good TVR`s are hard to find
But once we have the car they are very easy to sell
As I am trying to buy a car that I would be proud to have and not because it is `cheap` or we are forced to take in a part exchange we are only after `proper` examples. That`s why the longest we have had a TVR in stock is eight weeks and that was over Christmas!
Let us know what you want as we have a list steadily building up of customers ideal TVR, and yes they do come in, but go out much faster. Drop us an email and we will see what we can find you.
Paul Doors from Manchester did this and within 24 hours of me finding his car here he is. He is now the proud owner of a beautiful Cerbera 4200 in Silver with Full hide.
I received an email two days later that said
“What an absolute cracker – I haven`t stopped smiling since we got it!”
Drop us an email and we will see what we can find you.