Moving Marquee
In order to enable a swift completion of our marquee we sourced the strongest winds from the shakespeare County Raceway.
Unfortunalty the poles decided they were best suited for Lemans weather and the Pistonfest heat wave of 2003.
After a brief accessment and fifteen or so swear words the old faithfull was duely slung behind the Crusty pie company for the scrap heap challenge collectors on Monday morning!
It was emotional but the day was saved by a tent shop in Strafford upon Avon and using our Land Rover as a Windbreak.
Strangley enough at 4pm Sunday the wind dropped and the sun came out for the rest of the day after poor weather for most of the weekend.
However we made lots of new contacts, saw many TVR`s we haven`t seen for ages and thank everyone who attended our stand over the weekend.